Our mining and land use rights are under attack again as the U.S. Forest Service aims to close and even destroy roads in Cleveland National Forest. These road closures are part of the Forest Service’s “Travel Management Program” which serves to tighten government control over road use and by extension, land access on public lands.
The road closures in San Diego are a small part of the government’s long-term plans. On June 8, 2006, the Forest Service quietly began implementing it’s schedule for the travel management rule. Since then, closure plans outlined by local authorities under Forest Service guidance have been in the works. As these plans are implemented on lands nationwide, access to more and more public lands and mining claims is being restricted.
PLP has filed a Freedom of Information Act request regarding the plan to close the roads in San Diego. Under the National Environmental Protection Act, the Forest Service is supposed to consult the county before shutting down public rights of way. We want to find out what procedures were followed and pursue whatever course of action might overturn these intrusions upon our land use rights!
Beyond our own efforts, we need fellow miners and land users to stand up and make their voices heard! Any prospectors and miners with claims in the Cleveland National Forest should submit their comments before March 19 to jaheys@fs.fed.us.
Further details can be found in the GPAA’s Pick and Shovel Gazette Road Closure Story & Editorial
For more information contact:
Jeff Heys
Forest Planner
Forest Service
Cleveland National Forest
p: 858-674-2959
f: 858-673-6192
10845 Rancho Bernardo Road, Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92127